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Health Shop

Welcome to our SmartMove360 Health Mall. This is a place to shop for different opportunities and options supporting your journey to improve your health. 
We have hand-picked products, services, events, and publications useful for your pathway to live a healthier and happier life.

Select the category you want: Products, Services, Events calendar, and Book Shelf.
Click on the button to enter any of these Stores, and explore available items.


SM360 Grocery Store
Our store has diabetic friendly snacks and other items that you

can eat or use for cooking

SM360 Home Goods has air and water filtering systems, cookware, and some other items that keep the house healthy.

Personal Care items include clothing, jewelry, shoes, and other smaller items

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Events Calendar

Masterclasses and seminars to keep you knowledgeable about managing type 2 Diabetes

Educational Diabetic Conferences and Shows  

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Virtual consulting sessions with certified nurses

Virtual consulting sessions with Nutritionists and Dietitians

Weight managing courses

Personal trainers' services to keep you physically fit

Cooking classes 

Accountability sessions

Reaching Out

Book Shelf

Books, Manuals, Workbooks, Diaries, Cookbooks, video help you to manage your blood sugar, to help you with your weight loss, to help you to keep track of your activities.

Book Store
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